For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
Heb 4:12 NKJV
We have moved!
Calvary Chapel Perth now meets at the Livingston SDA at 850 Nicholson Rd in Canning Vale every Sunday with a new service start time of 10am
Calvary Chapel Perth
Preaching | Teaching | Missions | Fellowship
Preaching the Word of God: Genesis to Revelation
To teach the Word of God verse by verse
and chapter by chapter
The church has always held on to its mandate; to teach the Word of God verse by verse and chapter by chapter, even teaching those tough truths that some churches skip over. Calvary Chapel Perth has always been community focused and has seen families come together, grow together and form strong bonds together that seem to last the test of time.
Where We Meet
We hold our weekly meetings in:
Livingston SDA Church
850 Nicholson Rd, Canning Vale WA 6155
Time We Meet: Sunday 10:00am
How To Get Here: Enter Via Nicholson Rd when travelling towards Ranford. Alternatively use rear entrance on Boardman Rd.
Pastor’s Pen
This week’s sermon notes and world events from a Biblical perspective.
We have moved!
As of the 4th of January 2024 Calvary Chapel Perth have relocated to the Livingston SDA Church @ 850 Nicholson Rd, Canning Vale. Please join us at 10 for our earlier service every Sunday
Facebook, Zoom and YouTube channel
Visit our Facebook page. All sermons are edited and posted up to the Calvary Chapel YouTube channel and Facebook the same day. Please contact us if you wish to join the Tuesday 7PM zoom bible study, Wednesday morning ladies bible study or Wednesday 7PM bible study....
Creation Ministries Event – Cosmic Accident or Divine Design? 19 March
Get Answers! Does God exist? How can anyone believe in religion when science has proved no God is necessary? Is evolution happening today? If there is a loving God, then why do we die? Want answers? Get...
Recent Audio Sermons
Pastor Stewart Marks - June 2, 2024
Earthly Body – Heavenly Mind - Philippians 3:1-21