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ClosePastor Stewart Marks - August 9, 2020
In the Plan of God; Jesus, Prophet, Priest, King.

Pastor Stewart takes us through the following topics How long was Jesus in the Grave? Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age The Destruction of Jerusalem Persecution of the disciples The Last days. the 20th Century The beginning of sorrows with reference to: - May 14th, 1948 Declaration of Statehood and War of Independence. - Wars of Reprisals 1950’s and 60s. Destroying Fedayeen guerrillas from Syria Egypt and Jordan. - Suez Crisis 1956; Attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel to open the Canal. - Six day war in 1967 War of attrition 1967-1970 with Egypt, Russia, Jordan, Syria and the PLO. - Yom Kippur war 1973 Egypt and Syria. - 1982 Lebanon War - First Intifada 1987-93 - 2nd Intifada 200-2005 - 2006 Lebanon War - Gaza Wars 2008 to 2014.
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January 5, 2020
"The Whole Armour of God" - Ephesians 6 vs 10:18
Pastor Stewart Marks
Ephesians 6:10-18